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New member - Schroeder & Associés S.A. - Welcome!

We would like to thank Mr. Thierry Flies, Managing Director, Schroeder & Associés S.A in Luxembourg, for his interest and strong enthusiasm for our network, and tell you more about our new member:

  • How would you describe your activities in brief?

Schroeder & Associés is an engineering office specialising in 3 core areas: structure, infrastructure and services.

Backed by more than 60 years' experience and with the support of its 460 employees and specialist partners abroad, the engineering office offers its services, experience and know-how.

Planning smart cities and sustainable buildings are very important issues in our daily business. We try to follow our slogan "Engineering the future together" in all our projects. Our strategy is focused on high-quality integrated sustainable engineering services.

Schroeder & Associés won the Green Solutions Award in the category "Health and Comfort" for its new headquarter, focused on the wellbeing of its occupants.

The engineering office is affiliated to the Ordre des Architectes et Ingénieurs-Conseils (OAI) of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and also ISO9001 and ISO45001 certified.

Company management:

  • Managing Director/Partner: Thierry Flies
  • Directors/Partners: Claude Belche, Marco Da Chao, Marc Feider, Sven Lamberty, Nathalie Muller, Antoine Pesch, François Ries, Jacques Seywert, Martine Schummer, Adrien Stolwijk, Jean-Luc Weidert, Serge Welscher, Paul Weydert, Olivier Zirnheld

You find our strategy and more information about Schroeder & Associés on !